APA Adoption Center
Brand Position & Pillars Targeted Financial Appeals Environmental Design
Second Century Streamlining Processes, Services, & Data Redefining the Future of Cyber Security Convergence of Intelligence & Operations
Logo Concepts The mark taking on a literal tree form was, well a natural. The ability to incorporate the “A” letter form made the mark that much more unique. Selected Logo The graphic, recognizable tree form was supplemented by a unique plaid pattern — a nostalgic throw-back to the plaids worn by lumberjacks. The contrast…
Delicate Print Design Execution The Digital Journal The digital Journal provides access to great content — anytime, anywhere, in portable, mobile-friendly format. View Online Version Here Visit Us
Messaging Map Sketch Initial Identity Options Logo Concepts Logo concept creative process explored both the sybolic and literal depiction of trees. A secondary theme (cremation) was explored but not pursued. The strongest of each tree depiction was selected for initial extension to color and treatments. A copy of the logo exploration work is below. Chosen…