Katie Calandro
One of FalkHarrison’s most versatile members, Katie brings almost 30 years of design and creative direction experience to the team. She’s driven by the desire to teach, motivate and inspire the designers she oversees. This has been the highlight of her tenure. She has led efforts to create memorable and effective brand identities, ad campaigns, publication design and financial communication – including annual reports and proxy statements – designed and developed in the collaborative Workiva platform. Above all, her absolute dedication to quality and process shine brightly. As a result, she builds client relationships that often span decades. She received a BFA from the University of Dayton with a minor in marketing
Outside of the office, Katie loves hiking, trying to grow things, traveling and hanging out with family.
Most Likely to Say
Sure, I can do that!
Favorite State
Snack Time
Chips and salsa!
Macy Gray, the cat with a tiny head.
At Home
Big families make me happy!
This v. That
Mountains over beach
Gardening over shopping
Hiking over biking